Dr. Celia Cintas is a Research Scientist at IBM Research Africa - Nairobi, Kenya. She is a member of the AI Science team at the Kenya Lab. Her current research focuses on improving ML techniques to address challenges on Global Health in developing countries and exploring subset scanning for anomaly detection under generative models. Previously, grantee from National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), working on Deep Learning for populations studies at LCI-UNS and IPCSH-CONICET (Argentina) as part of the Consortium for Analysis of the Diversity and Evolution of Latin America (CANDELA). During her PhD she was a visitor student at the University College of London (UK). She was also a Postdoc researcher visitor at Jaén University (Spain), applying ML to Heritage and Archeological studies. She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Universidad del Sur (Argentina). Co-chair of several Scipy Latinamerica conferences, Financial Aid Co-Chair for the SciPy (USA) Committee (2016-2019), and Diversity Co-Chair for SciPy (2020-2022). Workshop Co-chair at ICLR 2023, among others. More details at https://celiacintas.io/
Dr. Mariam Aboian is an assistant professor at Yale School of Medicine - USA. Her background training and clinical experience is focused on neuroimaging of primary brain tumors and metastatic cancer to the brain with dedicated subspecialty training in neuroradiology and nuclear medicine. The focus of her research is to identify imaging biomarkers that predict tumor type, tumor molecular signature, and patient outcomes in adult and pediatric brain tumors. To achieve this, I use multimodal approach to study brain cancer, including MRI, radiomics, molecular imaging with positron emission tomography (PET), and hybrid PET/MRI.
Alejandro Lopez , MD is a Pediatric Cardiologist currently working at the Division of Cardiac Critical Care Medicine as well as Medical Director of Telemedicine at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC. He received his medical degree in 1986 from Escuela Medico Militar and he completed his pediatric residency at the Hospital Central Militar in Mexico in 1992. He did his Pediatric Cardiology fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital and Children’s Hospital of Boston from 1994 to 1997. He then returned to Mexico, where he served as Medical Director of the PICU and Pediatric Internal Medicine Departments at Hospital Central Militar, and as a pediatric cardiologist and Medical Director of the Echocardiography Lab at the Instituto Nacional de Pediatria, in Mexico City, Mexico. He then moved to Pittsburgh, where he developed significant experience in an international Telemedicine program, and he currently conducts the daily operations of the Tele-Cardiac ICU program at Children’s National with a vision to integrate clinical expertise, virtual technology and AI to improve the quality of care for critically ill children wherever they may be. Dr. Lopez plays an integral role in the development and expansion of the telemedicine program at Children’s National Hospital.
Dr Christopher Wood is a specialist in optical microscopy applied to cell biology and physiology. He is co-founder and Director of the Laboratorio Nacional de Microscopía Avanzada, UNAM, which was financed by the Mexican National Science funding agency CONACyT and UNAM and which celebrates its 10th anniversady this year. Over that time the LNMA has assisted more than 400 national and international users and collaborators and received additional financial support from Mexican Foreign Relations Ministry, DAAD and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. His current research lines include the development and application of advanced microscopy techniques, for example, PALM-STORM nanoscopy and single molecule imaging. Research themes under development in the LNMA also include fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and allied techniques, bioluminescence imaging, automated microscopy and advanced image analysis techniques, and involve the application of techniques in molecular and cellular biology, optical engineering, mechatronics, computational science, mathematics, statistical analysis. He is author or co-author of 38 international peer-reviewed papers that have received >2000 citations, most notably in Nature, PNAS, eLIFE, Journal of Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Plant Journal. He oversaw the development of the prize-winning “Educascope 3D Printed Microscopes for Schools” project which has subsequently developed into the spin-off company “Educascience”. Finally, he also represents the Mexican bioimaging community on management/executive committees of Latin America Bioimaging, Bioimaging North America and Global Bioimaging.