Thank you for joining us at SIPAIM 2024 and contributing to the success of this event!

We are excited to announce the recipients of the SIPAIM Conference Student Scholarships! Thanks to sponsorship by Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC, five students from Latin America have been awarded scholarships:

Andrés Emiliano Escobedo - Universidad Panamericana, Mexico
Natalia Valentina Vidal - Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Kristhian André Oliveira - Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil
Andrés Felipe Muñoz - Universidad de los Llanos, Colombia
Rosa Yuliana Paccotacya - Universidad Católica San Pablo, Peru

Conference Date

November 13-15, 2024

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About Conference


The 20th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM) will be held from November 13th to 15th in Antigua (Guatemala). This event will bring together researchers from Latin America and worldwide to communicate their results, developments, and research experience and promote the creation of technical and scientific collaboration networks. This event is focused on the field of medical images and associated technologies and applications.

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SIPAIM 2025 and 2026

The SIPAIM Society is accepting proposals from SIPAIM members working in Latin American countries for the 2025 and 2026 SIPAIM

Submit your proposal

Call for proposals document